lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

 That is so fetch.

 I keep dancing on my one.
Lose your way and i will follow.

I can´t bear this pain.

My head is currently a horrible place to be.
 Just remember i gave a fuck when no one else did.
 Simple is beautifull.
Don´t die from a broken heart
 This one isn´t about you either.

 I don´t know anything about myself anymore. And it fucking scares me.

 Happines is expensive.

All we need is peace.

 Have a nice day.
Everybody wants happines, nobody wants pain, but you
can´t  have a raimbow whitout a little rain.
 People make mistakes

When i hear a song and  reminds me of you it means that i finally forget you.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

 Yoy, you, you miss me sometimes you do.

 I miss having late night conversations with you
 I don´t know how to be something you miss.
 Do you still think of me?

 You are the best thing that´s ever been mine.
 To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.
 I understand. I just dont care.

 Well be alright
 I hope it rains there all the time.
 I have been so busy hiding my feelings that i dont know how to be happy anymore.
Im just tried.

Tried of being tried.
 I just want to sleep for a couple days. Im so tried.

 I cant remember what it´s like to not be tried.

 ´cause lately I´ve been tried and uninspired.