miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

 Be original, be spontaneous, be loveing, be crazy, be proper, be loud, be dareing, be classy, be unique, be kookoo!
Tonight, leave me alone i´m alone.
 We can dance forever.

You can´t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.
 Life is hard, but so very beautiful.
You will never find the right person if you don´t let go of the wrong one.
 Less sleep, more coffee, more books, more bike rides, more hiking, more swimming, more dogs, more ice cream, more fun, less people, bullshit.
The people who want to stay in your life will always find a way.
 Waiting for love can feel like dying.

I don´t understand why people  don´t have fucking sense of humor.
 One day i want to honestly say I MADE IT
Sometimes i feel like i´m tired of my life.
 To tear apart the ties that bind perhaps fuck off might be too kind.
Dear karma, I have a list of people you misssed.
 A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.
Well we might die from medication, but we sure killed all the pain.
 May you never steal, lie or cheat but if you must steal then steal away my sorrows and if you must lie then lie with me all the nights of my life and if you must cheat then please cheat death becouse i couldn´t live a day without you.
Today i will be happy
 I feel happy when i see your smile

 Say it to my face, not throught your status.
Believe in yourself.

 I miss your random texts.
I wish i was a mermaid so i can sleep in the tub and not die.
 Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity
You are a candy for a children.

Keep calm and  behave naturally.
The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here.
 STOP asking me about my future.

Stay what you think not what you think you should say.
 I like it, buy i don´t. I want it, but i don´t. I´m finen but i´m not. None of it matters, but it does.

Read instead.
 If you can´t convince them CONFUSE THEM.
Sarcasm is a body´s natural defense against stupid.

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